Government Paid Sick Leave Surveys

The B.C. Employment Standards Coalition (BCESC) is calling for 3-10 days of paid sick leave (PSL) be included in the Employment Standards Act (ESA).

The ESA currently includes 3 days of job protected, unpaid time off for ill or injured employees. A temporary measure under Section 52.121 of the ESA provides for up to 3 days of employer paid sick leave that is COVID-19 related. Under a separate WorkSafe administered program, employers can apply for government funded reimbursement of COVID-19 related sick leave pay paid to their employees for up to $200 per day.

In May 2021, the provincial government announced plans to legislate permanent PSL for workers, starting January 1, 2022. In line with this goal, on August 5, 2021, B.C.’s Ministry of Labour issued two public surveys, one for employers and one for employees, to gain input on the issue of PSL in B.C. There are two phases to this consultation process: the public availability and promotion of the two surveys (Aug. 5 – Sept. 14) and a public consultation related to the results of the surveys (Sept. 20 – Oct. 25). It is understood that following these discussions, the expected PSL model and number of paid sick days to be written into the ESA will be confirmed.

On August 11, 2021, the Coalition met over Zoom to discuss the Ministry’s consultation process and the two surveys. It was acknowledged that the two surveys, especially the worker’s survey, had considerable deficiencies and shortcomings. Despite this, it was agreed that Coalition members should circulate and promote the survey among workers. There was an emphasis on the need for workers in part-time, casual, seasonal, contract, low-paid, in precarious positions, and/or those without employer paid sick leave to fill out the survey.

Here is the survey:

Please click here to read the Coalition’s August 24, 2021 letter to Minister of Labour Harry Bains.

The Coalition is calling for 3-10 days of legislated PSL for all workers according to their accumulated hours worked in a year, (i) regardless of employment status, (ii) effective immediately upon employment, (iii) accessible without the need for a medical note, and (iv) paid for by employers.

The BCESC is a network of workers, academics, lawyers, union representatives, government workers, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) advocating for decent working conditions in B.C., the realization of workers’ rights, and for a system that requires employers to treat all workers with respect and dignity.

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