On November 23, BC Employment Standards Coalition Co-Chair David Fairey made a submission in Vancouver to the Fair Wages Commission as part of its consultation. The submission contains detailed responses to questions from the Commission including, “What is a reasonable timeframe or schedule of increases in the minimum wage to reach $15-an-hour?” and “What are your experiences or thoughts about the farm workers piece rates in B.C.?”
Tag Archives: liquor-server minimum wage
Tell the BC gov’t that minimum wage for all workers should be $15 per hour

Photo: Global Research
Now is your chance to tell the provincial government that the minimum wage for all workers should be $15 per hour – NOW. Please spread the word by sharing this poster!
The NDP provincial government has appointed an independent Fair Wages Commission to advise the government on when and how the general minimum wage should be increased to $15 per hour.
Currently, the legislated general minimum wage is $11.35 per hour, but a number of occupations are excluded from the general minimum wage. This includes liquor servers for whom the minimum wage is $1.25 less at $10.10 per hour, and farm workers who hand harvest fruits, berries and vegetables for whom there is no hourly minimum wage, only minimum piece rates.
The Fair Wages Commission is inviting anyone interested in the minimum wage issue to share their views on the issue, either through a written submission by e-mail or in person at one of eight consultation meetings of the Commission to be held around BC from November 16th to December 7th.
Visit The Fair Wages Commission for details and directions.
You can request to make a submission at any one of the eight consultation meeting locations by e-mailing FWC@gov.bc.ca
The deadline for making written submissions by e-mail is December 7, 2017. Instructions for written submissions are here. Written submissions can be emailed to: FWC@gov.bc.c
Tell the Fair Wages Commission that all workers without exclusion should receive a $15 hourly minimum wage – NOW!
New article on restaurant industry donations to BC Liberal Party
In his recent op-ed, Gavin McGarrigle, B.C. area director for Unifor, describes some of the structural changes required to bring fairness for hospitality workers in BC. In particular, he highlights the inequity of BC’s liquor server minimum wage, the lack of regulations on tip-sharing, and sexualized dress codes throughout the restaurant industry.
Read the full op-ed here: Fairness for Hospitality Workers is long overdue.
New op-ed on MLA candidates and employment standards

David Fairey, labour economist, a research associate of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ BC Office, and Co-Chair of the BC Employment Standards Coalition.
In this week’s Province newspaper, BC Employment Standards Coalition members Adrienne Montani and David Fairey call on MLA candidates in the upcoming by-elections to clarify their parties’ positions on employment standards. They underscore the opportunity for immediate reform in three areas: minimum wages, child protections, and migrant worker rights and protections.